Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Something Wonderful 21 - Faith

What will happen if faith is the only thing you got?

They say that prayers can move mountains and faith can deliver miracles.  When all else fail, faith will be our last stronghold.  For it is through faith that heaven will open its door and grant us what we prayed for when the time is right.

There are instances that life will allow us to enjoy and experience something that is rewarding and heavenly.  Even with the smallest amount of joy out of the ordinary, it is the pure joy that makes our life worthwhile.  But there will come a time that we will be driven out from our comfort zone and makes us experience something that will test our limit.  And when the worst of everything happens, it is by our faith that will keep us alive and fighting.

When it seems the world has abandoned us, when we become hopeless and scared, and when we feel all alone and devastated, some of us might permanently close the book of our life.  But for those who wish to continue and fight for their precious life, it will be a rewarding wonderful moment when you find your true self and the true meaning of your life.  Though we might not be able to tell if our faith is enough, just a mustard-size faith might do wonders in the process.  And the moment we will be able to surpass and hurdle that challenging and struggling process, it will be our most wonderful moment to cherish the life that we bravely protect and nurture.

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