Sunday, July 13, 2014

Food Trip 11 - Latik

We often heard of 'suman sa latik' or should it be 'suman with latik.'

'Latik' is a by product of coconut milk.  Once you bring to boil a coconut milk, water will soon evaporate and only the coconut oil will be retained.  Alongside with the coconut oil, some solid particles become visible which we now call 'latik.'

When we prepare suman, 'latik' is often set aside and it becomes the topping of suman afterwards.  Since we are really not particular in eating suman with 'latik', we finish 'latik' first before it will be topped to suman. 

The taste of latik is really good once it is still hot.  Especially if it is golden brown, its crunchiness makes it fun to eat.  The oily taste is tolerable and the texture could not be easily associated with the texture of the coconut meat.  But you've got to finish that one before it becomes cold for it becomes bland to the taste afterwards.

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