Sunday, July 6, 2014

Food Trip 10 - Adobong Pusit

Squid, locally known as pusit, is one of my all time favorite food. Way back in the province, usually during the cold months, squid is very much abundant. When I was a kid, I used to make squid rings and insert them in my fingers and ate one of them at time during a meal. Haha. Even if I will be given a medium sized squid for a meal as long as its broth is plenty, I can finish a plate full of rice. And every time I go home to the province, a fresh squid viand would definitely be on top of the table.

But there was an incident that happened to me, probably 6 years ago, about eating squid. I suddenly had allergies all over my body and I can only recall eating squid that evening. Maybe the eatery that served the squid that time prepared a catch that was no longer fresh. That incident prevented me from eating squid for a month.

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