Sunday, June 29, 2014

Food Trip 9 - Doughnuts

I am a person with a sweet tooth. Every now and then, I have longings for sweets. And whenever I run out of sweet stuff, off I go to the nearest convenience store or the mall.

At first, I really don't have that much desire over doughnuts. Actually, even up to now, I don't really go for doughnuts. It just so happen whenever I go malling, I do have this particular appetite on doughnuts. And when that time comes, a box full of doughnuts I will surely not miss.

There are different varieties of doughnuts but some of them are not good to my taste buds. That's why after tasting all those brands, I simply go for either of the two brands. It does not matter if they are a bit expensive over the others because my enjoyment comes with no price. Hehe

Well, what are you waiting for? Feel free to pick one and enjoy.

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