Sunday, June 15, 2014

Food Trip 7 - Avocado

When I was growing up, I don't have a liking of avocado.  The very sight of mashed avocado in a cup or glass made me to ignore that one.  No matter how they convinced me that the taste is good because of the sugar and condense milk, still, I just turned a deaf ear.  How can I like something when the very sight of a mashed avocado is similar to a wet bowel of a baby.  Haha.

Well, I'm glad that my strong opposition with the fruit is now gone.  I cannot recall when was the time I changed my mind and gave it a try.  And I was thankful that I actually tried and tasted that one.  Up to now, whenever it is the season of avocado, I make it to a point to indulge myself with this good fruit.

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