Sunday, January 18, 2015

Food Trip 38 - Lechon

If you are a vegetarian, a lechon on the table would be a big no no for you. But for meat lovers, lechon is such a mouth-watering delight and brings smiles to those who longed for it.

I don't know what magic it brings but young and old alike will not miss a chance to fill their plates with lechon. And the moment their lips touches the lechon, their faces simply give them away. 

I am also a meat lover but the only part I love about the lechon is its crispy golden brown skin. It's a good feeling sinking your teeth on the crispy skin and appreciating its crumbling sound. But the moment its skin becomes rubbery, people will simply ignore it and go for its meat.

Anyway, lechon is a great food but I don't indulge on this food that much. Being rich in cholesterol, it's better to be safe than sorry.

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