Sunday, January 11, 2015

Food Trip 37 - Steamed Siopao

One time, I chanced upon a stall in Divisoria selling steamed siopao.  I am not a siopao lover but that time I got curious how a fried siopao tastes like.  I then asked the sales lady about the difference between the steamed siopao from a fried siopao.  I guess she was caught unaware by my inquiry and with all confidence, she declared that it is steamed.  Yeah, right.  Hehe.

Asado and bola-bola are the common siopao variations.  I just don't know about cat siopao if it is true.  But one time while watching the news, the authorities in the neighboring country of the Philippines uncovered that brown boxes are being used as siopao fillings.  Bad cheetah.

Anyway, a couple of orders of steamed siopao proved to be heavy on the stomach.  What I love about this one is its taste.  The taste of pork and its spices are evident and completely different from the usual asado or bola-bola.  The filling is way fresher and the texture of the meat is not overcooked.

Whenever I am in Quiapo, Binondo, or Divisoria, I always make it a point to bring home steamed siopao which I learned to appreciate.  Actually, I also introduced this one to some of my friends and they happened to like it also.  Yummy.

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