Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Something Wonderful 4 - Crazy Thing

What was that crazy thing you’d done that made you feel wonderful?

When I encountered this scenario, it was really a sight out of the ordinary.  Spectators were all smiles and cheered for the participation of a woman that suffers a mental illness in a parade.  She danced with grace and she really gave her best for the delight of the crowd.  Maybe she did not mind the crowd at all.  Maybe, the passing band enticed her spirit and upon seeing the lady performers, all of a sudden she just felt wonderful about joining and dancing with them.

There are times when we have to simply let go of our inhibitions and fears and feel the rush of the moment.  No matter how crazy we would be in the eyes of others, as long as we harm no one, then there is nothing to be ashamed of.  Imagine the satisfying feeling of greatness and feeling good about yourself for doing something beyond your limit.  And at times, it is the crazy stuff that will really make us feel wonderful.

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