Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Something Wonderful 2 - Getaway

A good getaway is a rewarding one for both the body and the soul.

Stress contributes to the alienation of illness in our body.  Stress encountered in our everyday affairs, either at home or at work, makes our life more difficult.  If we cannot combat stress and learn to deal with it, most likely, we will depart early from this world.

I have known several friends and associates who suffered a lot from stress.  Some of them died at their early age while some are regularly admitted in hospitals for recurring illnessess.  Such is a sorry sight.

When we have responsibilities, we normally think too little of our well-being.  Our constant consideration is the well-being of our family and loved ones.  We happened to overlook our very own health not knowing that the moment we succumb to an illness, our family will suffer with us especially if they are dependent on us.  We try hard and we try our best to give our family what they should deserve from us even if we deprive ourselves with some simple things that could better our well-being in the process.

It will not hurt if from time to time we are going to reward ourself with a good getaway.  We can always save some amount for a scheduled getaway and it should not be that expensive to fully enjoy it.  A simple getaway together with family and friends is a golden opportunity to release the stress and free ourselves of worries.  It will be a wonderful moment to enjoy and have fun with absolutely nothing in mind but to enjoy and unwind.

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